Summer of Numbers 2015 is Finally Here!
Help us kick off our first ever Summer of Numbers by registering with Ms. Michelle and Ms. Jessa on Saturday, June 20th from 10:00AM-2:00PM in the William & Constance Pike Children’s Room! Read on to find out more:
Who: Children in grades K-5
What & Why: Summer of Numbers is an incentive-based summer math program designed to combat the well-documented loss of critical math skills during the summer months when school is not in session. It has been generously funded by a grant from the Lyme-Old Lyme Education Foundation.
Where: The Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library’s William & Constance Pike Children’s Room
When: Registration day is Saturday, June 20, 2015 from 10:00AM-2:00PM at the Library. Can’t make it? Simply stop by to pick up your program materials at your earliest convenience.
How: After you’ve picked up your program materials, determine how you would like to receive your daily math problems (download the Bedtime Math app, visit their website and click “Fun Nightly Math”, register your email address on the Bedtime Math website, or pick up paper copies at the Library). When you receive your daily problem, choose the level that best matches your ability and age level and answer the corresponding question. When you’ve arrived at the correct answer, put a sticker on your chart! Stumped? Stop by the Library and we’ll try to help.
Prizes: Prizes will be given for the 10th, 20th, 30th, and 41st problems completed! The 10th problem prize is a glow-in-the-dark Frisbee. The 20th problem prize is a mini rubix cube. The 30th problem prize is a “Math Star” pendant. After you complete a total of 41 problems, your log will be complete and you will be awarded either a gift card for a free slice of pizza and a soda from Pizzeria Da Vinci of Old Lyme or a $5 gift card to The Carousel (redeemable for rides, refreshments, and merchandise from The Carousel Shop).
Questions? Reach out to Children’s Librarian Michelle DeSarbo by calling the Library at (860) 434-1684 or via email at mdesarbo@