What is it?
The Homebound Service lets you or someone you know enjoy the library’s collections without having to visit the library.
- The service is free to residents of all ages who are temporarily or permanently homebound due to disability, health problems, lack of transportation or other reasons.
What may I borrow?
- Any of our materials that are available for checkout can be borrowed through the service: books including large print and paperbacks, magazines, movies, music CDs and audio books.
- You can take advantage of reserving items as well by calling the library or through the online catalog https://ol.catalog.lionlibraries.org/.
Are there any fines or fees?
- There are no fines and no charges for the service
How do I sign up?
- Contact Kristine Ferguson (kferguson@oldlymelibrary.org) or Linda Alexander (lalexander@oldlymelibrary.org) by emails provided or by phone 860-434-1684.